Frequently Asked Questions
How can I contribute?
The CFD provides easy and convenient ways to contribute to your favorite nonprofit organizations and your community. Payroll deduction is the most popular method. Click here to read about how you can contribute.
When may I contribute to the CFD?
The CFD is available year round. You can start, stop, or change your contribution at any time. At WSU, a concentrated campaign is undertaken every year from September to December.
What are the administrative costs associated with the CFD?
Click here to read about how the CFD collects and distributes contributions and related administrative costs.
What does the “%” number after the nonprofit organization name mean?
This is the nonprofit organization’s administrative cost percentage as reported to the Internal Revenue Service.
What are reasonable administrative costs for a nonprofit organization?
National studies show that fundraising costs less than 25% are considered to be “reasonable.” Source: Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance, The American Institute of Philanthropy, The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Are CFD contributions tax-deductible?
Contributions made through the CFD are tax deductible. Click here to read more.
To whom do I make out my check?
Please make checks payable to the Combined Fund Drive.
Is the CFD part of the United Way?
No, the CFD is not part of the United Way, but the United Way is one of the hundreds of nonprofit organizations to whom you can donate through the CFD. And, you can also target your donation to United Way member agencies.
Will I be contacted by my designated non-profit organization(s)?
If you do not select the “I wish to remain anonymous” check box online or on the Contribution Form, the CFD will share your contact information with the chosen organization so that they may acknowledge your contribution if they would like.
How does a nonprofit organization become a member of the CFD?
Click here to learn how nonprofit organizations can apply to become a member of the CFD.
Can I continue to contribute to the CFD upon retirement?
Yes! Retirees who receive retirement benefits through DRS can contribute to the CFD by deduction from their retirement check. Additionally, DRS, and all other retirees, can contribute to their favorite nonprofit organization by writing a check. For more information please contact the CFD office at 360-704-7143 or
What do your donations fund? Click here to learn about your community partners through the Community Partner Spotlight.