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Washington State University CFD Past Featured Agencies

Pullman Civic Trust: Charity Code 0315024

“Pullman Civic Trust is adding trail markers along the trails and pathways and needs your help!”

cfd-pullmancivictrustlogo“Each segment of trail will sport its own beautiful artwork designed by local graphic designer and trail enthusiast David Hoyt. The markers will add beauty to the trail system and make it more navigable for first time users.  Fundraising for trail markers will continue until December 31, 2009.  For each donation of $125, you may add a name to the trail supporter’s recognition plaque on the trail segment of your choice.”

“Your donation will not only bring trail markers to our existing trails, but it will help support PCT’s continuing efforts to add new trails to Pullman’s growing trail network…”

“If you dream about more trees in our city, areas for pedestrians to enjoy, a welcoming look to Main and Grand Streets, cleaner rivers, or access to the trails already in place, we invite you to join us.”

Contribute to Pullman Civic Trust today!cfd-pullmancivictrustlogo2

To learn more about Pullman Civic Trust and the Markers Project, visit